<%NUMBERING1%>.<%NUMBERING2%>.<%NUMBERING3%> PRTG Manual: Historic Data Reports

For quick reviews of a sensor's monitoring data, use historic data reports as an alternative to the comprehensive reports feature. You can run and view a historic data report for each sensor on demand. Additionally, you can export a sensor's historic data as an .xml file or a .csv file to your computer to further process the data with third-party applications.

There are two ways to open historic data reports: Either click the Historic Data tab of a sensor or select Sensors | View Historic Data from the main menu bar.

Historic Data Tab of a Ping Sensor

Historic Data Tab of a Ping Sensor

Historic Data (Sensor Tab)

Probe, group, device, and sensor pages have tabs that you can use to navigate between different options. For example, you can view your network's status, view monitoring results, or change settings.

Tabs Bar for Sensors

Tabs Bar for Sensors

The Historic Data tab is only available for sensors, not for probes, groups, or devices. When you open the Historic Data tab of a sensor, no sensor selection is available. If you want to select a different sensor for the report, select Sensors | View Historic Data from the main menu bar.

Historic Monitoring Data (Sensors Main Menu)

When you open historic data reports via Sensors | View Historic Data from the main menu bar, PRTG asks you to select the sensor for which you want to create a report with the object selector.

Historic Data Report Settings

Historic Data Report Settings

Historic Data Report Settings




This setting is only visible if you open View Historic Data from the main menu bar.

To select the sensor for which you want to create the report, click b_search_light to open the object selector.

i_square_cyanFor more information, see section Object Selector.


Specify the start date and time for the data that you want to review. Use the date time picker to enter the date and time.

i_round_redYou cannot generate the historic data report if monitoring data was deleted after the specified start date. Set the start of the report to a date for which data is available.


Specify the end date and time for the data that you want to review. Use the date time picker to enter the date and time.

Quick Range

You can use several buttons to select start and end dates more quickly. Click any of these buttons to change the Start and End values:

  • 1 Day, 2 Days, 7 Days, or 14 Days: Set the date range to the respective day or days. The current time of the current day is the end date.
  • Today, Yesterday, Last Week (Mo-Su), Last Week (Su-Sa), Last Month, 2 Months, 6 Months, 12 Months: Set the date range to the last matching period. It starts at 00:00 and ends at 00:00 of the following day.

Averaging Interval

With this option, you can activate and configure averaging. Select an interval for which PRTG calculates the average value:

  • No interval (display raw data): PRTG performs no averaging and displays only raw data.
    i_round_bluePRTG stores raw data for up to 40 days. After this time, PRTG calculates averages again.
  • 15 seconds, 30 seconds, or 60 seconds/1 minute
  • 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 minutes, or 60 minutes/1 hour
  • 2 hours, 4 hours, 6 hours, 12 hours, or 24 hours/1 day

i_round_blueA shorter interval results in a more detailed historic data report for the sensor.

The best settings for you depend on the scanning interval of the sensor, the selected time period, and the intended use for the historic data report. Try different settings and compare the results. See also Automatic Averaging in this section.

Channels in Graph

This setting is only visible if you view historic data via the Historic Data tab of a sensor.

Select the channels that you want to include in the graph of the historic data report. You can select individual channels via the respective check boxes, and show or hide all channels via the Show all or Hide all buttons. In the graph, PRTG then only shows the data of selected channels.

i_round_blueThe historic data report table always shows the data of all channels.

Cluster Node

This setting is only visible if the sensor runs on a cluster probe.

Select the cluster node's data that PRTG includes in the historic data report:

  • All nodes: Include the data of all cluster nodes in the report.
  • [Several specific nodes]: Use a specific cluster node's data for the report. The cluster nodes you see are specific to your setup.

File Format

Select the output format for the report:

  • HTML web page: Display the result directly as an HTML web page. This is also a good option if you want to check the results before you export them to a different file format.
  • .xml file: Export the data as an .xml file. Your browser usually shows a download dialog when you use this option.
  • .csv file: Export the data as a .csv file, for example, to import it into Microsoft Excel. Your browser usually shows a download dialog when you use this option.

Percentile Handling

Percentile Handling

Percentile Handling



Percentile Results

Define if you want to include an additional percentile calculation of your data in the historic report:

  • Do not show percentiles (default): PRTG does not use a percentile formula to calculate your monitoring results. It only shows the standard values.
  • Show percentiles: PRTG displays an additional percentile calculation for the primary channel in the value table for each scanning interval.
Example of a Historic Data Report with Percentile Calculation for the Primary Channel

Example of a Historic Data Report with Percentile Calculation for the Primary Channel

Percentile Type

This setting is only visible if you select Show percentiles above.

Enter the percentile type that you want PRTG to use for the calculation. If you choose, for example, to calculate the 95th percentile, enter 95 here and 5% of peak values are discarded. Enter an integer.

Percentile Averaging Interval

This setting is only visible if you select Show percentiles above.

Enter a value to define the averaging interval on which PRTG bases the percentile calculation. The default value is 300 seconds (5 minutes). This means that PRTG takes 5-minute averages as basic values for the percentile calculation. Enter an integer.

Percentile Mode

This setting is only visible if you select Show percentiles above.

Select the mode for percentile calculation:

  • Discrete: PRTG takes discrete values to calculate percentile results.
  • Continuous: PRTG interpolates between discrete values and bases the calculation on interpolated values.

Click Start to generate a historic data report.

i_round_redYou cannot generate the historic data report if monitoring data was deleted after the specified start date. Set the start of the report to a date for which data is available.

Remarks for Reports

  • Any sensor graph in your report only shows channels that you select via the Show in graphs option in the channel settings.
  • Reports show statistics for the uptime (the Up and Down states in percent) and for requests (Good and Failed in percent). PRTG rounds values between 5% and 95%, as well as 100% and 0%, to whole numbers without decimal places. Other values are shown with 3 decimal places.
  • Because PRTG rounds values, the statistics in the report section Sensor Status History can differ from the values in the report section Uptime Stats by a few seconds.
  • PRTG limits data reporting to 5 requests per minute.
  • Reports cannot show uptime or downtime data for the Sensor Factory sensor.
  • Create reports that include an appropriate amount of data. Reports might not work as expected if PRTG has to process too many sensors with short scanning intervals. Adjust your report size and the time span that the report covers, if necessary.

Automatic Averaging

For performance reasons, PRTG automatically averages monitoring data when it calculates data for large periods of time.

Period of Time in Report

Minimum Level of Detail (Averaging Interval)

Up to 40 days


40 to 500 days

60 minutes/1 hour or longer

i_round_redReports for periods that are longer than 500 days are not possible. If you enter a longer period, PRTG automatically shortens it to 365 days.

i_round_blueIn some cases, the generated report might contain a period of time that differs from the defined start and end date for the report because of internal averaging processes. When averaging intervals are longer than 1 hour and do not equal 24 hours, and when they are combined with specific periods of time, the resulting data points might be asynchronous to the periods of time. Consider this behavior particularly if you use application programming interface (API) calls to generate reports.


i_square_blueKNOWLEDGE BASE

Why is there missing data in historic data reports?

How does PRTG compute CPU Index, Traffic Index and Response Time Index?